Dora Hagge Value Key
Judging a value shift is essential for breathtaking light in your artwork.
Leave the card in the clear plastic sleeve or take it out - then place a hole over the light value in your photo and squint.  When the value card and the light blend together that is the value of the light.  Do the same for the shadow.  The jump between the numbers is the jump in value.  

That jump is the key to capturing the light effect in your painting.  It is not that you match the exact value but that you achieve the jump in value.
For information about having a Dora Hagge Watercolor Workshop
in your area you can reach Dora at
402-462-5076     [email protected]
Hastings, Nebraska
All images on this site copyrighted by Dora Hagge ~ All rights reserved.
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Dora Hagge AAPL, KA
Product Description below.      Ordering information is on the Art Products page.
The key is the jump in value, not the exact value!
Whether capturing the life and drama of 
light or painting a portrait - it is the jump 
in value between the light and shadow 
that determines success.